Big things are buzzing at BroodMinder! We're gearing up for a March 2025 release with exciting new products, tools, and firmware upgrades designed to elevate your beekeeping experience. Curious about what's coming?

Every Hive Counts
Beekeeping faces many challenges globally. At BroodMinder, we empower beekeepers to give the best care to their bees. Performing simple beehive measurements, we guide them to the colonies that need support and help protect them.
If beekeeping is your hobby, get most of it!
Working closely with backyard beekeepers, BroodMinder developed a range of tailor-made beehive monitoring tools. BroodMinder technology guides hobbyist beekeepers in the bees' world: providing detailed insights about bees' health, it helps to identify and save the endangered colonies. BroodMinder also welcomes all interested to participate in a free global community www.beecounted.org, sharing data from their hives and learning from their peers.
If you do beekeeping for business, take it under remote control
The role of professional beekeeping is hard to overestimate. Honey is in high demand, and crop production largely relies on this vital industry. But every year brings new challenges: bee health suffers from growing threats, and climate changes inhibit productivity. BroodMinder solutions have been designed for professional beekeepers to help them increase resilience by gaining remote operations control.
When we say "protecting bees", we mean much more than honeybees
Bees are a keystone. They are the connection between agriculture and wild nature. They are the most evident witness of biodiversity and the threats it is facing nowadays. When bees struggle, many other wild insects are facing much worse conditions.
At BroodMinder, we’re very much concerned about it. We aim to bring our contribution to understanding and protecting biodiversity. Since no one wants to know what would happen if bees disappeared.
When no one knows the answer, science comes in
When facing a complex issue like bees’ threat and biodiversity loss, the way we think about the matter is already a part of the solution. With this in mind, we work together as one team with the research community to better understand the underlying biological processes and help translate questions into the right solutions.