
abeilles font la barbe surchauffe été

The location of the apiary greatly conditions the development of future colonies. Bee health, pr...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Apiary yard location can have an impact on brood development – The case of summer overheating

choisir emplacement du rucher

The location of the apiary greatly conditions the development of future colonies. Bee health, pr...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Guidelines and tools for finding the perfect bee yard location

La reine fondatrice des frelons asiatiques - vespa velutina

As we know, Asian Hornets - Vespa Velutina - put a lot of pressure on the colonies. The hive can...

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Lorenzo PONS  

The Asian Hornet Queen Arrival in The Springtime

Quatre frelons asiatiques devant une ruche tétanisent la colonie - source ADANA

We all know that Asian hornets - Vespa Velutina - put a lot of pressure on the colonies. In prin...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Effects of Asian Hornet predation on hive development

Division de ruche

There are many ways to split a hive but in any case, the expected result remains the same: a new...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Making splits – Monitoring the new colony without disturbing it

Quels outils et techniques pour Maitriser l'essaimage ?

Swarming is the colony's reproduction mode. Every hive is programmed to swarm. Beekeepers strive...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Swarming control - Tools & techniques for timely action

lancement du projet

The island's beekeepers and their government see in technology the opportunity to bring a new imp...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Menorca bets on precision beekeeping

Apimondia 2019

What is the international event that brings together every two years nations from Russia to Chile...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Apimondia 2019

suivi du rucher en temps réel

Precision beekeeping is characterized by real-time apiary monitoring. This is useful at any time,...

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Lorenzo PONS  

Beyond inspections: follow your apiary in real time

The case of hive #5

Our hive R5 which in 2018 had achieved a beautiful acacia honeydew does not seem very successful ...

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Lorenzo PONS  

The case of hive #5
