Let's start from the beginning. In this post, one of the first I am writing, we will define the term "precision beekeeping". Â Definition of Precision BeekeepingYou have certainly heard about hive monitoring. These are part of a broader concept: precision beekeeping. It is a systemic vision of beekeeping practice that is supported by the consistent integration of all the information necessary for the beekeeper.The four pillarsIn general, precision beekeeping is based on four pillars:
Provide decision-making informationThe ultimate goal of precision beekeeping is to provide the beekeeper with actionable information. This means information that is quickly understandable because it is expressed in the jargon of the profession, contextual, relevant at the given moment and opening the possibility for an action or a remedy. In this state of mind, commercial beekeepers have a new lever to optimize their operations. As for backyard beekeepers, they can count on a guide to improve their practice, if they are initiating, or push their research and experiment further for the most curious of them. In both cases the practice of beekeeping is transformed. It is more intense, more relevant and more precise.It is like a sixth senseDigital tools do not keep the beekeeper away from his apiary. On the contrary, they provide him with keys to better understand events that take place, too often outside his five senses. By relieving him/her from of a task of collecting information that he only can make by approximation, the beekeeper can implement a more advanced practice.To go furtherfind some of the application cases |