This June, we reached the 2,000 hives monitored by Mellisphera. We are proud to progressively gain the confidence of beekeepers and to help them better follow their bees’ health.

Behind Mellisphera, there is a vision: to provide every beekeeper with qualified information on his hives, wherever he is and whatever his practice.
The partnership with our friends from BroodMinder was also born from this shared vision.
Our goal is to join forces to offer a concrete response to the global challenge of preserving pollinators.

But this international team would not be effective without the active contribution of beekeepers using Broodminder & Mellisphera. They are curious, proactive and eager to learn! Thanks to their feedbacks and questions, we can improve every day the functionalities of our system.
Without mentioning them all, here are a few examples of contributions that help us moving forward:
- our friends from Canada who care about extreme weather condition alerts
- those from Switzerland who keep a clinical eye on their hives and the anti-varroa treatments
- a beekeeper from Arizona who was seeing a faulty brood volume with a 45°C weather (113°F)
- in Slovakia with a rigorous use of the app and adjustments on the weather station
- in Pau, Paris, Montpellier, Marseille, Montélimar... with beekeepers who now have become partners
- or in Spain, in the Balearic Islands, where the climatic impact and the summer harshness are measured in their slightest effects and give ideas to compensate them
- ...
We are delighted to support these beekeepers who are trying to better understand their bees, just like us. Our support team is always active in trying to provide answers to the questions that are asked. Sometimes the answer is simple, other times it requires a bit of research... but in all cases, we always learn something.
Many thanks to all of those who participate in this construction. Together, we are slowly but surely learning to better monitor bee colonies.
To contact us:
- email us at
- directly from the Mellisphera application